Condo Posting Scan Report

The Condo Posting Scan Report (also known as the Condo Transaction Report) shows the posting date, post department and type, room (condo) number, amount, condo owner name, and other information relevant to Condo postings (such as the statement number the revenue appears on, and the relevant stay ID associated with the revenue generation), with a total section for each posting type and a grand total of all revenue generated. This report allows you to enter search criteria and display or report on all the condo associated postings that occur in your system, based on the search criteria entered.  You can filter the postings by type (all postings, only corrections, adjustments, or transfers), and date range. Within the report filters you can select a specific building, operator, department, or post type.  The post type scan may be viewed by a specific department to make the selection of individual post types easier.

NOTE: If you do not select any options within the building, operator, post type, or department, the report shows all postings within those categories.  

The Condo Posting Scans Report command is found in the Condo Menu, which may be reached using the Files Menu.

Note: You can also generate an A/R Posting Scan Report , a POS Posting Scan Report or a Hotel Posting Scan Report from this screen, using the check boxes at the top of the screen. By default, if you entered this screen using the Condo Posting Scan Report command, the Condo Postings check box will be selected.



Date Updated August 02, 2023